
Why bebber

QR codes are a great way to attach digital content to a real place. Until now, this content must already be published on a website or video portal in order to use it. With Bebber, we've now succeeded in making it super easy to supercharge QR codes with text, images, video and documents. Ad easy as it is to send a text message. Directly from your smartphone or tablet without an app.

Just try it out - we are curious to see what you do with it.

Explanatory video directly attached to the machine

In our office, the search for the manual always begins when the coffee machine indicates an error. Now we have recorded an explanatory video and solved it with the Bebber.

Just open, upload the video - done. The bebber now sticks to the machine and every person can watch the tutorial if needed.

Daily changing menu

To inform my customers about the current menu on a daily basis, I used to use various social media channels, which was very time-consuming. Since I started using the Bebber, I reach all my customers through only one channel. The Bebber is on the business cards, flyers and packaging. I take a photo of the menu every day and update the photo on the Bebber.

All my customers have to do is scan the QR code and they are up to date.

Just give it a try - we're excited to see what you do with it.

Invoices and instructions directly attached to the device

When a device breaks, the search for the appropriate invoice or the instructions often starts. With the Bebber, I can store all the information directly on the product on site. All I have to do is scan the Bebber and I immediately have the invoice at hand. Best of all, I can update it at any time.

That's awesome!